Frequently Asked Questions

Lincoln Performing Arts School Cross Country (LPAS XC) is an elementary (K-5) cross country running team in Louisville, Kentucky. We are a Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) school, and operate as a JCPS team!

We are:




When is Cross Country (XC) Season?

Quick answer: July-October. We begin practicing in mid-July, our first meet is late August and our final meet is late October. 

Where and when do you practice?

Seneca Park near the playground. Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings during the school year, 6:30-7:30PM. Any JCPS student is free to practice with us - and we highly recommend "trying it out" before committing. During the summer months, we will run once weekly on Tuesdays. 7/16-8/9. 

Where and when are the meets?

Most meets are Saturday mornings in or near the Louisville Metro area. Some meets will take place after school, during the week. 

What do I need to join?

You do NOT need a physical or pay fees to PRACTICE with us. 

To run at MEETS, all runners MUST have a valid physical and have paid team fees.



What sort of physical does my runner need?

A KHSAA Middle School Physical form is required. 

The physical must be administered by healthcare professional (e.g. your family doctor, a CVS/Kroger clinic, or a JCPS Sports Clinic) and have the “Medically eligible for all sports without restriction” box checked by that professional for your runner to compete. 


Q: What is your WEATHER policy? What kind of WEATHER cancels practice?

We run in all non-dangerous conditions, including cold, wind and rain.

We do NOT practice when the weather on the field includes thunder, lightning, high winds or excessive heat and cold. 

We follow the KHSAA Heat Index chart and recommendations, and all other JCPS Athletics recommendations and alerts.

Cancellation decisions will be made at the time of practice on the field, unless it is abundantly clear the weather will be inclement.

Use your best judgement for your runner. For weather that is "on the border": families are encouraged to use their best judgement for their runners. All practices and meets are considered opportunities and not requirements. 

Q: Do we need to attend ALL practices and meets?

No. All of our practices and meets are opportunities, not requirements. However, attending practice is highly recommended as running is "fun" (hard) and requires practice to be "more fun" (less hard). 

If you runner is doing another fall sport and can't make any/all practices, but would still like to run the meets - that's fine too! Just stay active :)


Q: Meets? How do they work?

All cross-country races have multiple start times, usually by gender and grade/age.

All races are mass starts, with dozens or even hundreds of runners going off at once.

As a guardian, your job is to get your runner to the team tent early and ready. The team will have group leaders to take it from there.

Q: When do we show up?

Your runner will have a specific start time, but you MUST show up at least an hour before. An early runner is relaxed and ready.

Here's why:

Q: How should we prepare?

Get a lot of rest, drink a lot of water, and have a healthy  breakfast that's easy on the tummy. Oatmeal, bananas, toast and jam is a good idea.


Q: What sort of shoes do we need? Do we need spikes?

We run on grass, dirt, and uneven terrain. 

YES: A "tennis shoe" with a grippy sole and secure laces or velcro straps. 

NO: Crocs, slip-ons, and basketball shoes are NOT recommended.

We do NOT recommend spikes for most elementary runners. Runners who have shown mastery of stride, pace and racing may benefit from spikes. A coach will let you know when that happens :)